MoistureFree Warranty’s process really worked…
“We had experienced real problems selling synthetic stucco homes in the past. Once we found the MoistureFree Warranty, we learned about their solution process, took the home through that process, and got the warranty on the home. We had been told that the home we had listed would have to have the stucco torn off for an estimated $60,000. Moisture Warranty required that we have $6000 of repairs done on the home and they issued a 5-year warranty. To be sure everything checked out, the prospective buyer did his own independent testing on the home after all this and the home was dry. MoistureFree Warranty’s process really worked…just like they said it would! When I list a synthetic stucco home in the future, you can bet I’ll list it with a MoistureFree Warranty!”
– Juel Hill
John Daugherty Realtors, Houston, TX
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